Art Foundations
– Mr. John Cazort
A fine art credit can be earned in
the following classes with no lab fee: Art History, Choir, Drama, and Music
will include:
Skills Developed to Represent a Three-Dimensional Object
with a Focus on Positive/Negative Pattern
in Pencil
Wheel with a Focus on Brush Techniques and on Mixing Tints, Tones, and Shades
Panels Representing a Common Design Created in Three Different Mediums
with Interpretation Through Pinch, Slab, or Coil Techniques
Abstract Wire Sculpture
Art Foundations
Rules and Procedures
to Art Students and Parents! Art Foundations satisfies the graduation
requirement for a fine art credit. It is a full year class and is a
prerequisite for all other art classes except Art Through History.
is our belief that a student’s progress will occur best in a safe environment
where students can develop good work ethic and help each other in a
constructive manner.
Work Ethic is equal to 50% of the art student’s grade and
includes the way they conduct their own behavior in class with the amount of
time they spend on task, class contribution, maintenance of materials and
property, and the safety of such. It is worth 20 points each class period. Work
ethic points will be assessed every session and computed every 5 class periods.
It will be recorded as a Work Ethic Grade worth 100 points.
Physically being there: If, for any reason, a student is not present
during a class period, they lose their points. Work and points can be made up.
Tardiness is also cause for the loss of some of that day’s points.
Mentally being there: Students can lose up to all of their work
ethic points through violations of the classroom rules.
Process is equal to 25% of the art student’s grade and has
two parts: in-class practices and journal/binder work.
will be done according to the need for learning, practicing, and perfecting
skills and will be kept in the art journal/binder. In-class practices will be
recorded with each project completion and is considered part of the necessary
planning involved.
art journal/binder
is where various planning, written critiques, self-evaluations, teacher
evaluations, artist information, drawings, and daily journal writings are kept.
It will be spot checked frequently and graded every quarter.
(Product/Performance) is equal to 25% of the art student’s grade. It
includes the concept, composition, craftsmanship, and completion of the project.
This will be assessed through self-evaluation, teacher evaluation, and peer
evaluation at the end of each unit of study.
only does a student lose their 20 daily points when they are absent, but they
miss the class time to work on their project. It is advisable that the student
arranges to come in before school, during advisory time, or after school for
tutoring to make up their time and earn those points back as well as catch up
on their project. If the class had started something new, then the absent
student would have missed the lecture, vocabulary, brainstorming, theory,
examples, and demonstration that normally take place. By coming in after school,
the teacher has the best opportunity to give more individual attention to what
was missed. It is up to the student to make arrangements with the art teacher
and to come in and catch up on missed work.
work will be accepted if completed by the end of each quarter. *Working on a
previously graded drawing/project to improve/finish it *Working during open lab
times (20 points earned per hour). I am available:
Before school – 7:00am until
7:30am, by appointment
During advisory – By
appointment. Come by and pick up a pass in advance.
After school – afternoons by
in on the “Art Sign-In Sheet” clipboard, so the teacher can keep track of the
extra points that you earn.
lab fee for the Art Foundations classes is $50.00. Although almost all of the
students’ supplies will be provided, occasionally the students may need to
provide the following basic items:
Protective clothing Non-required supplies that they want to
bring to make their
projects unique.
dates will be announced and posted. Minimal effort earns a minimal grade. It is
always best to turn in a partially completed project to earn partial credit
rather than turn in no project at all and earn a zero. After the projects and
evaluations have been collected and graded, the students are encouraged to
enhance their grade by improving them or finishing them if that is the case.
This almost always involves working on the projects outside of the regular
class time. I grade work on time that is turned in on time. Late work is not necessarily
graded in a timely fashion. Procrastination on the part of the student does not
constitute an emergency on my part. This class requires the student to meet
deadlines. Again…minimal effort earns a minimal grade.
drawings will be conducted and practiced in class. This is because of the
importance of the students being involved in drawing by direct observation and
the opportunity to receive immediate feedback and guidance from the instructor.
The students are encouraged to take these weekly assignments home and build
upon them for a more advanced score.
Please remember that “C” represents “average work,” “B” represents “above
average work,” and “A” represents “beyond expectations.” “A” work will usually
require out-of-class effort.
is the first priority. (Accidents tend to happen when students are playing
students are to conduct themselves properly so as to be a positive contribution
and not be
distraction/disturbance in the classroom/learning environment. Everyone has the
right to learn and distractions/disturbances prevent other students from being
able to concentrate on their project.
student will cooperate and be respectful to each other as well as the teacher.
(We will do the same for you.) DISRESPECTFUL
OR DISRUPTIVE CONDUCT OR SPEECH (p 25-26 of student handbook) – verbal,
written, pictorial or symbolic language or gesture that is directed at any
person that is in violation of district policy or is otherwise rude, vulgar, defiant,
considered inappropriate in educational setting or that materially and
substantially disrupts classroom work, school activities or school functions.
Students will not be disciplined for speech in situations where it is protected
by law.
Offense: Principal/student conference, detention, in-school suspension or 1-180
days out-of-school suspension.
Offense: Detention, in-school suspension, 1-180 days out-of-school suspension,
or expulsion.
roaming around the classroom at any time.
talk and work only. Always use appropriate language and subject matter.
good rule of thumb is “Don’t Cause a Problem for Anyone.”
ready to perceive and allow yourself to learn.
students are to enter the classroom quietly. They are to obtain their art
journals/binders and art supplies from the designated storage areas and be in
their seats ready for instruction by the time the tardy bell rings. (Student Handbook
p. 19) Instructions will be posted daily on the board.
work will be identified legibly, on the back of the work, with the student’s
name (first and last), period, and date. Points will be deducted for lack of
proper information.
will store all artwork in their designated storage areas. They will leave other
students’ projects alone.
are to be properly used, cleaned, and stored in the designated areas.
counters, floors, walls, and sinks are to be cared for and cleaned after each
use, thus leaving a neat, safe working environment for the next class that will
be coming in. There will be no destruction/vandalism of school property
(Student Handbook p. 17) or personal property (Student Handbook p. 29-30).
continuous collection of strong images will be collected and kept for various
art exhibits throughout the year. Artwork will be returned to the students
before the end of the year. Any work not claimed by the end of school will be
deemed “unwanted” and may be thrown away, given away or sold at an OHS art
department fundraiser.
passes - Students will be given three restroom passes per semester and if any
are unused, the hall passes can be traded for extra credit points at the end of
that semester. The student will give coupon to the teacher and log the time they
left on the check-out clipboard and log back in upon returning. The student
must not ask to leave when directions are being given or when something else of
importance is happening. If students abuse the privilege, the teacher may not
allow passes at a later date. Hall passes are granted at the teacher’s
MISCONDUCT (this includes the cell
displaying or turning on personal electronic devices during the regular school
day that disrupt the educational environment: (page 29 of student handbook)
First Offense: Verbal and/or written
warning. Student’s electronic device will be confiscated for the remainder of
the school day. The electronic device may be retrieved at the end of the school
day. *
Subsequent Offense: Principal/Student conference,
teacher-directed detention, in-school suspension, or 1-10 days out-of-school
suspension. Student’s electronic device will be confiscated for the remainder
of the school day.*
If the student refuses to surrender the object, it will be an automatic office
Items – Possession or use of toys, games, MP3 players, and other electronic
devices objects(other than mobile phones) that are not authorized for
educational purposes that disrupt the educational environment: (page 28 of student handbook)
First Offense: Confiscation. Warning,
principal/student conference, detention, or in-school suspension.*
Subsequent Offense: Confiscation.
Principal/student conference, detention, in-school suspension, or 1-10 days
out-of-school suspension.*
If the student refuses to surrender the object, it will be an automatic office
are able to access various kinds of information on the parent portal. Checking
your student’s progress may help them keep from falling behind in their work.
tried to explain everything fully, but if something is unclear or if you have
any questions, please feel free to contact me at OHS 582-5901 extension 3182 or
Webpage > OHS Webpage > High School Staff > John Cazort
Cazort – Art Foundations Signature Page
Please send this portion back
to Art Foundations Class.
that return this signed page by Friday, August 22, 2014 will receive 10 bonus
are so busy these days. I thought it would be nice for you tell me the three
best ways to contact you in the future. Give names and indicate whether by
phone number(s), email address(es), text(include number), or personal meeting
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