
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

More Grids

Today we'll work on grid drawings again. I want you to focus on drawing each square accuratley.
When you have completed the drawings post them to your blog.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Drawing with a Grid

Today you will be using a grid to create accurate drawings.

First, write your name and block on the back of the page.

Second, label each grid  square in the following manner:

Label each square across the top A through k on both the picture and the blank grid

Label each square down the side 1 through 8 on both the picture and the blank grid

Next, start with a square of your choice and use the grid over the picture to where find each line or shape lies. For example, the center of the flower lies in square F3.

On the grid below precisely draw each line as it appears in the picture.

Draw the Flower, Hand, Pizza, and the Mystery grid, in that order. Take your time on each one. If you don't finish we'll work on them next week.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Notan - Translation - Tesselation

Today we will work on the second type of Notan movement. The translation. 

We will also create a tessellation pattern from our shape. A tessellation is a pattern you create that has no overlapping and no gaps between shapes.

The artist MC Escher used tesselations to create his art.

The Flying Horse Video

After we have completed the Translation and tessellation we will post them to our blog.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Notan - Rotation

Notan - Expansion of the Square

Create a cut paper collage with a composition where both positive and negative spaces are REVERSED. Use either Symmetrical or Asymmetrical Balance in creating your design. USE GOOD CRAFTSMANSHIP -BE NEAT!!!

LIGHTLY Draw your designs from the edges into the center of the square. Think of the designs as shapes. You MUST cut from all 4 sides. Do not cut off the corners & don’t go past the center of the paper with any designs.
1. Begin cutting shapes from the sides of the square. 
2. Glue down the main base in the middle of your background either straight or diagonally.
3. Place all the cut shapes back into the square.
4.  Flip shapes & glue down in the mirror image from where it was cut. The basic idea is to cut out the piece, flip it out so that it mirrors the cut out space, and then glue it down onto a 18×24” paper.

Thanks to, and Notan - Expansion of the Square by Dorr Bothwell for the lesson plan!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Draw a portrait like Picasso


Pablo Picasso was one of the most well known and influential artists of the 20th century. He was a painter, sculptor, print-maker, and ceramicist.

Take a look at Picasso in action. He was constantly making art, and worked in many different styles:

Picasso at Work Video

Picasso developed a style known as Cubism. Cubism is an abstract art form that was influenced by Egyptian, African and Native American art. Cubist art is very flat and angular, and shows multiple views of an object, such as the front and side, in the same composition.


Picasso started as a traditional painter, but his style changed over the years.
Take a look at the many moods of Picasso in the video below:


Your assignment today is to draw a Self - portrait based on Picasso's Cubist Style. Watch the video below for instructions:

There is paper at your desk, there are sharpies in the box for your outlines of your portraits, and there are crayons on the wire shelf in the middle of the room. MAKE SURE YOU PUT BACK ALL MATERIALS WHERE YOU FOUND THEM!!!!

Mr. B will pick up the portraits when you have completed them, be sure to add your NAME and BLOCK on the back of your portrait.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Still Life

Finding Angles


Upload your drawings

Today we will create 3 posts and upload our work into them. 

We will upload everything except the Shaded drawings. 

Post 1 - Title it - Proportion - Upload your Tube Drawings

Post 2 - Title it  - Finding Angles - Upload the Box drawings

Post 3 - Title it - Still Life - Upload the still life of the tubes and box

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Finding Angles

When you are drawing object you also need to find correct angles.

use the following technique to sight the angles with pencils.

Tilt your pencil to align with a feature in your image. 

Then compare it to the horizontal border of your paper. 

Drawing in Proportion - Continued

We will continue to practice drawing the tubes in proportion. We'll also learn a trick for finding correct angles in a drawing.

We will draw the following:

1 of each tube on the same page
1 of the pencil box
I still life with the 3 tubes arranged with the box.