
Friday, August 29, 2014

First Grading Update

For the first set of grades you need the following:

7 drawings - posted to your blog and turned in to me
3 tubes - posted to your blog and turned in to me

I will also be grading your work ethic. You can earn 20 points each class.

Finding Proportions

Today we will begin to learn the skills we need make a realistic drawing.

We will first focus on drawing ellipses. I have a worksheet for you to work on.

We will then practice making a drawing that is in Proportion, meaning that the top and sides are in the correct ratio to each other.

Use your pencil and thumb to measure a distance on the object. This is called the Unit of Measure.

Then use the unit of Measure to find out how tall the tube is. Drop your pencil and thumb down the length of the tube and count how many widths you find.

1 width

2 widths

..and the tube is almost 3 widths tall.

Here is a link that goes into much more detail about this process.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Drawing in Proportion

Today we will begin to learn the skills we need make a realistic drawing.

We will first focus on drawing ellipses. I have a worksheet for you to work on.

We will then practice making a drawing that is in Proportion, meaning that the top and sides are in the correct ratio to each other.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Lets finish and photograph our drawings

Today we will complete our first drawings.

You will need to staple together and turn in your:
Corner of room
Self Portrait
and don't forget the drawing of your choice.

I would like each of you to take a picture of each of your drawings and email it to yourself. It may take a few tries to get this right.

After that we will move the photos to a folder you make on the desktop of your computer.

From there it is an easy process to upload the photos to a post on your blog.

When can post photos successfully you will begin drawing the cardboard tubes on your desks. 

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Our First Drawings

Last class we had some time to draw after we completed our Blog assignment.

Today we will continue these drawings, but before we begin I want you to consider that there are three ways we can draw...
1. From reality
2. From our memory
3. From our imagination

This class will focus on drawings from reality. We will only draw what we SEE, not remember or make up from our imagination.

Last time you tried drawing a chair, and some of you started on a drawing of your hand.

Keep on working on those drawings if you need to complete them.

The rest of the drawings will be:

The corner of the room
A lamp
A self portrait
Your shoe

Just for fun,the last drawing can be of anything you want, either from the room or your imagination or memory.

Make sure your name, date and block are written in the top corner of the page.

Monday, August 18, 2014

My second post with a link

I teach at Ozark High School.

My first post

Here is my first post.

Creating a Blog

Today we will create our own blog. This blog will be used to upload projects, research, comments and also to measure our progress in class.

We will learn how to:

  • Log in to blogger
  • Make a new blog with a title and address
  • Create a post
  • Add a link to the post.

You will then send the address of your blog to my google email at:

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Welcome to the class!

Welcome to Art Foundations! I hope you are ready for a creative year ahead.

Today we'll go over the syllabus and other important information.

 Please read this at home with your parents and ask them to email confirming they have read it: